A collection of posts on case studies from our blog
Learn how to create a live bar chart race with KeepTheScore.com, a dynamic and engaging way to present changing scores over time.
Learn how to create and manage an engaging quiz leaderboard. Discover tips for fair scoring, creative themes, and maintaining player motivation.
Discover how workplace strength challenges can improve employee wellbeing, productivity, and team bonding. Learn to plan, implement, and track these challenges.
Discover how workplace running challenges can enhance team morale, boost productivity, and improve overall health in this comprehensive guide for 2024
Learn about deep work, its benefits, and how to track it using scoreboards. Discover strategies to improve focus, productivity, and achieve meaningful results.
Explore how to create your own weight loss challenge with peers. Use our leaderboard tool to track, and share progress.
Boost engagement in group fitness challenges with digital leaderboards. Learn how to create, customize, and use leaderboards to track progress and motivate participants.
Boost employee health, morale, and productivity with a workplace step challenge. Learn how to plan, implement, and track an engaging fitness competition for your team.
Discover how to create engaging March Madness leaderboards, tailor them to your preferences, and share with your community or friends.
Learn how to make your own Olympic leaderboard, customize it to your liking, and share it with others.
Discover how to start with employee recognition through our guide. Implement a simple, effective tool to appreciate team efforts and boost morale.
The Formula 1 Grand Prix is coming to the USA. Learn how to create your own leaderboard for a fantasy league or any other competition you have planned.
A step-by-step guide on how to increase employee and staff engagement using a simple leaderboard tool.
How to create and publish an online leaderboard with your race results
Streamline your business with a free virtual queue solution. Quick setup, real-time tracking, and link-sharing for efficient customer management.
Learn to build an online leaderboard for hackathons easily with our user-friendly tool. Perfect for real-time score tracking and competition monitoring
Step-by-step instructions for creating your own scoreboard, including how to let others vote on the winner.
Everything you need to know about running an effective online competition or contest
A list of ways you can use an online tally counter. Plus a recommendation for an online tool that makes it simple to share your counters with others.
How to improve engagement with team and personal goals using gamification and specifically leaderboards
A short introduction to creating a digital scoreboard. They can cost tens of thousands of dollars, but there is a much better alternative
A short introduction on how to create a ranked online leaderboard including a software tool recommendation
Discover how to enhance races, time trials, and speed runs with KeepTheScore's simple online leaderboard maker. Perfect for tracking and showcasing results in real-time.
Here are some tips to help you add a digital leaderboard to your trade show or exhibition booth.
Everything you've ever want to know about Algicosathlons but have been afraid to ask. Including a simple guide to creating a leaderboard.