Create an online team leaderboard

07 July, 2021 How to All articles

If you want to create a scoreboard or leaderboard for your classroom then look no further! Team leaderboards make it easy.


A team leaderboard

Finally, a simple way to track scores for teams

A common feature request we heard in the past was "allow players to belong to teams" or "allow players to be grouped together". So we are very pleased to present what we are calling ✨Team Leaderboards ✨.

A team leaderboard allows you to track the scores of individual players as well as the team that they belong to. It's like a leaderboard of leaderboards. See screenshot above to see what it looks like.

Team leaderboards are perfect for classrooms

If you are organizing something like a sports-day or a class competition where people will be competing in teams then this new feature is ideal. Maybe you have a scenario where classes are competing against each other?

You can create a new team leaderboard in seconds without requiring a signup. Simply click on the button above and start entering players and team names. Once you have created your new board, you can share it on social media or project it on a large display, which makes it super simple to keep everyone in the loop.

You can also set a theme, font, change the colors, give it a title and do a bunch of other things.

Tracking scores for large groups just got a lot easier

Leaderboards are administrated via an admin page which can be done from a phone, tablet, desktop or any device that has a browser or internet access. It really couldn't be simpler.

Maybe you need something else

Team leaderboards are not always the way to go. We also offer normal leaderboards which are a little easier to create and administer. Have a look at our overview page to get an in-depth low-down of all the available types.

Please give us feedback

Naturally we want to keep getting better and better. So please help us achieve this: if you have any ideas that you believe could help us improve then please comment below. You can do this anonymously.