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Workplace Step Challenge: Boost Morale, Health, and Productivity

Boost employee health, morale, and productivity with a workplace step challenge. Learn how to plan, implement, and track an engaging fitness competition for your team.


Wellness initiatives are quickly expanding and becoming the norm in company settings. In fact, a recent study found that more than 80% of employees who offered wellness programs were happier with their jobs. One simple approach to prioritizing your employee's health and positive company culture is with a workplace step challenge.

It’s well known that sitting for long periods can lead to a variety of health issues, impacting not just individual health but also productivity and morale. A step challenge at work can be a fun and engaging solution to help combat these issues and encourage a healthy lifestyle.

A man walking on a wall

What Is a Workplace Step Challenge?

A workplace step challenge is a friendly competition where employees track their daily steps over a set period, typically a few weeks or months. It can be individual or team-based, with prizes awarded to those who log the most steps. It's a simple concept with far-reaching benefits.

Benefits of Workplace Challenges

A healthy fitness contest can be a motivational tool to help employees achieve a healthy work-life balance, higher job satisfaction, and build loyalty. The advantages of incorporating a walking challenge into your company's wellness program are plentiful! Here's a closer look at some of the key benefits:

Improved Employee Health and Well-Being

Studies show that even small increases in daily physical activity can lead to significant health improvements. One study found that increasing your daily steps by 3,000 can significantly reduce blood pressure. Regular walking can also help with weight management, boost the immune system, and ease joint pain.

Increased Productivity and Focus

Physical activity has also been shown to enhance cognitive function, decision-making, memory retention, and focus. Increased blood flow to the brain during walks can also lead to improved creativity and problem-solving skills.

Boosted Morale and Team Cohesion

Workplace fitness challenges are a fantastic way to foster a sense of community and teamwork. As employees work towards a common goal, they can encourage and support each other, leading to stronger relationships and improved morale. This positive work environment translates to a more engaged and productive workforce.

Reduced Absenteeism and Healthcare Costs

A healthier workforce is a less absent workforce. Studies by the CDC show that healthy employees take fewer sick days, resulting in significant cost savings for companies. Additionally, improved health can lead to lower healthcare costs associated with chronic conditions.

A group of women having a very good time

Creating Engaging Challenges and Incentives

The key to a successful challenge lies in creating incentives that motivate employees to participate. Here are some tips:

  • Variety is Key: Offer different lengths and difficulty levels to cater to all fitness levels.
  • Themed Challenges: Incorporate themes like "Around the World in 80 Steps" or "Step into Spring" to add a fun twist.
  • Team Competitions: Encourage healthy competition by creating team-based challenges that foster collaboration.
  • Creative Rewards: Think beyond traditional prizes. Offer healthy lunch vouchers, extra vacation days, or donation matches to a chosen charity.

Step Challenge Ideas and Themes

Here are a few creative ideas and themes to get you started:

  • The Global Adventure: Divide employees into teams and assign them a famous landmark to "reach" by the end of the contest.
  • Step into Fitness: Focus on gradually increasing daily steps and provide weekly goals and rewards.
  • Dress it Up: If you have multiple divisions, you could designate a theme for each one. The employees can dress up or make custom t-shirts to fit that theme for a bit more fun! Include a social media element so they can take a picture of their attire. Then give an award for the best costume or outfit.
  • The Charity Challenge: Employees can choose a charity and a portion of the company's donation is tied to the total steps logged.

A woman counting steps on her Apple Watch

Planning and Implementing a Workplace Step Challenge

A well-planned and organized step challenge is essential for success. Here's a simple overview to get you started!

Setting Goals and Objectives

Define Your Goals: What do you hope to achieve? Is it improved employee health, increased team building, or simply promoting a positive company culture?

Set Realistic Targets: Don't overwhelm participants with unrealistic step goals. Start with a baseline and gradually increase difficulty as it progresses.

Creating a Budget

Workplace fitness challenges can be surprisingly affordable. Here's how to create a budget that fits your needs:

  • Free Tracking Options: Many free step tracking apps and online platforms exist, such as pedometer apps synced with smartphones or simple spreadsheets. These are perfect for low-budgets.
  • Consider Freemium Options: Some step tracking platforms offer free basic features with paid upgrades for additional functionalities. Evaluate your needs and choose the most cost-effective option.
  • Leverage Existing Resources: Utilize company resources like break rooms or walking paths to host walking meetings or breaks, promoting activity without additional spending.
  • Creative Rewards: Get creative with rewards that don't break the bank. Offer healthy snacks, company swag, or early dismissal for achieving goals.

Tip: Many fitness tracker companies offer bulk discounts for corporate wellness programs. Explore these options if you decide to provide pedometers or trackers to employees.

Using To create a Challenge Leaderboard

A step challenge leaderboard from

To track your group challenge, a platform like offers a comprehensive and engaging experience. Our platform acts as a central hub for your challenge, and allows you to share the leaderboard with a link, or display in your office using a project or TV.

It doesn't directly track steps but it does allow you to create a very appealing leaderboard.

To use it, you would designate one person as a score-keeper who keeps the leaderboard up to date.

To actually track the steps, you could use one of the following:

  • Smartphone Apps: Most smartphones come equipped with built-in motion sensors that track steps. Free apps like Apple Health (iPhone) or Google Fit (Android) can be used to track steps throughout the day.
  • Fitness Trackers: Smartwatches or fitness trackers can provide more comprehensive fitness data, including steps, distance, and heart rate. These often have companion apps that sync with

Create Teams for Department Competitions

Easily create teams for department-based competitions, adding a layer of friendly rivalry and camaraderie.

Keep in mind that offers various pricing plans based on features and user numbers. Evaluate your needs and choose the most suitable option.

Involving Leadership

Leadership buy-in is crucial for the success of any workplace wellness program. Encourage managers to participate and lead the competition efforts. They can set an example by forming a leadership team and actively participating in the contest.

Measuring Baseline Fitness Levels

To gauge the overall impact of the challenge, consider gathering voluntary data on employee step counts before it begins. This allows you to measure progress and demonstrate the program's effectiveness.

Frequently Asked Questions

How Do I Track Employee Progress in a Step Challenge?

There are several ways to track employee progress. Online platforms like, or simple spreadsheets can be used. Ensure the chosen method is user-friendly and encourages consistent data entry.

A man on a treadmill

How Can I Involve Remote Employees in a Step Challenge?

Remote employees can participate by using step-tracking apps and syncing their data with the chosen platform. Encourage them to share their experiences and photos on a dedicated communication channel to stay connected.

Can a Step Challenge Improve Employee Morale and Teamwork?

Absolutely! These challenges promote teamwork and create a sense of community as employees work towards a common goal. This fosters positive relationships and boosts morale.

Conclusion: Starting A Workplace Step Challenge

A workplace step challenge is a simple yet powerful tool to promote employee well-being, boost productivity, and foster a positive work environment. With careful planning and a focus on creating a fun and engaging experience, your competition can become an integral part of your company culture. Get started today!