Introducing Self-Registration for Leaderboards

20 January, 2025

Learn about's new self-registration feature that lets participants join and manage their own profiles on leaderboards. Perfect for teams, sports leagues, classroom competitions, and corporate events.

Article Contents

Keep the score leaderboard with registration leaderboard with registration

We're excited to announce a new feature that makes managing leaderboards even easier: self-registration!

Soon participants can sign up and join your leaderboard directly, giving them control over their own profile while maintaining the integrity of the competition.

We hope to have this feature ready by spring 2025!

How It Works

  1. Create a leaderboard as usual
  2. Enable self-registration in the settings
  3. Share the registration link with potential participants
  4. Participants can create an account and join your leaderboard
  5. Once registered, participants can update their own name, score, and profile image

This new feature is perfect for:

Why We are Building This

Previously, leaderboard administrators had to manually add all participants or use the "restricted view" which had limitations. Self-registration streamlines this process while giving participants more control over their own profiles.

Participants at a fundraising event These guys cannot wait for this feature to be released

... and more!

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I enable self-registration for my leaderboard?

During creation of the leaderboard you will be given a choice to activate this feature.

What can participants do after registering?

Registered participants can update their own name, score, and profile image. They cannot modify other participants' information or the leaderboard settings.

Can I still add participants manually when registration is activated?

A board will either be self-registration or owner-administered. This means you will not be able to add participants if you have activated registration. Let us know if this is a problem.

Is there a limit to how many people can register?

Yes, currently no more than 1000 people can register. Let us know if this is a problem.

Can I disable self-registration after enabling it?

Yes, you can disable self-registration at any time. Existing participants will maintain their access, but no new registrations will be accepted.

Do participants need a account?

Yes, participants will need to create a free account to register for a leaderboard.

Can I moderate who joins my leaderboard?

Not directly. However, you will be able to hide participants that have registered, effectively removing them from the public board

Getting Started

Ready to try self-registration? It's not here yet but will be ready by spring 2025.

In the meantime, you can use our existing leaderboards.

What other features would you like to see? Let us know in the comments below! 👇

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